

"Being able to express your thoughts is often mistaken for the only form of intelligence. Infact, it's only a proof of intelligence, and the only ethical way to use it, if you're a lucky possessor, is to help other intelligent people share their thoughts." - big sister.

humans communicate through written language, spoken language, and body language. Most species don't have a spoken or written language, so all communication is physical (this action = this message). This form of communication cannot be misinterpreted the way spoken or written language can be. humans use language to express their thoughts, but speech is like second hand thought, it's not identical to the original. there is so much that is lost in translation. what they neeeeeed to invent is a system where everyone had a receptor attached to their head, and people would communicate through brain waves instead of speaking. thoughts would be transferred directly from brain to brain. :-)

but of course if this ever existed it would be manipulated and abused by the forces of evil. :-( 

1 comment:

The Collaborators said...

i agree, but isn't thinking just sort of like having a conversation with yourself? like even when you let your mind go i feel like most of the time you only pick up on parts of the thoughts that come up, so maybe if you had that tool people would be able to see even more than you see yourself
