
What's Your Addiction?

my opinion

addiction; something you rely on to maintain a certain level of joy in life, so much that without it you are disabled mentally, emotionally, or physically. 

my confession

my addictions are art, weed, and women

my questions

if addiction is bad, and love is good, then why the more you love something the more you become addicted to it? (it might be a specific type of relationship that leads to addiction. a certain way of loving that results in unhealthy dependency.)

i don't think addiction is bad. it can be but whether it is good or bad depends on how it weighs on your conscience. because for me love is an addiction, and i wouldn't want to live without it. but sometimes i place my love in the wrong things, and sometimes i place it in the right things but for the wrong reasons. either way, those are the addictions i work to release. 

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