
Reasons I Can't Wait For Summer

Summer time is obviously the best time of year in any case, but this year I've become anxious anticipating this glorious time of year. Here is why.

1. MY BIRTHDAY! I will finally loose the "teen" from my age and turn 20. Some people think this is torture not being 21 yet but I really don't mind.
2. MY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS! Maybe a car? Or more realistically money towards a car.
3. ROAD TRIPS! Hopefully one to Monterey, and one to LA, and whatever else falls into place.
4. THE PERFECT SUMMER SHOE! I bought these yesterday. Crocs are ridiculous and I never wear sandals so who could have imagined a better pair of shoes for the summer time. Here are the Natives I bought yesterday and I can't wait to wear em to the beach!

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